An exploration into CLTs as a substitute structural material in the creation of canopy COLA system fit for primary schools under EFSG guidelines.

/PrimaryWilderness /Joinery /Architecture

The connection between country and class presents itself as a vital and essential aspect of a contemporary education system. Since the early 90s, COLAs (Covered Outdoor Learning Areas) have sort to adhere to this by creating a space in which both student and teacher can gather, together, in the open landscape to carry out a vibrant and healthy educational experience. This design seeks to compound on these past notions of thought whilst alongside introduce modern materials and structural systems. CLT (Cross-Laminated Timber) is often regarded as a material of the future; a material fit to replace various established structural timber systems whilst incorporating aspects of environmental sustainability, cost consideration and speed and ease in construction.

The COLA design also integrates a non-traditional system of slanted, Tyvek wrapped, canopies that provide shade upon seating and grass areas. The intention of which allows for the drainage of rainwater past a GPT and into a central collection point to feed an integrated school garden.

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