Benbullen Barrooga

Exploring How Aboriginal Fishing Traditions and Bushcraft Practices on Country Reaffirm Cultural Knowledge Lines and Connect Wreck Bay Communal Groups.

/Masterplanning /Interior Architecture

Aboriginal fishing traditions and bushcraft practices encompass the historical and cultural values of Wreck Bay Village, representing the Aboriginal community and their unbroken connections to their land and sea. Benbullen Barrooga (meaning ‘high, quiet place’ – called ‘home’) seeks to reaffirm these cultural practices and knowledge lines to sustain and grow upon the connections and sharing of traditions between community members of all generations.

The topography and native flora and fauna have been integrated into the masterplan, while the housing has been designed to minimise impact on the landscape. These designs have also been situated to match the uneven topography, allowing for the integration of communal green spaces and, most importantly, walking trails leading to heavier bushland and the sea. Materiality was chosen to replicate the natural surrounds, including sandstone, pine, blackbutt, double-glazing and steel, while the masterplan incorporates sea views, sun lines, prevailing winds and, most importantly, a connection between people and Country.

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